Do you know electric mobility devices have become a symbol of modern urban transport; they’re slowly become a common sight in our city. The trend looks set to move in only one direction - UPWARDS!
Do you consider yourself in this trend ? Perhaps we can change your mind!
First, take a look at its PORTABILITY
Electric scooters and unicycle are perhaps the most portable mode of powered personal transport. Many of us would like assisted forms of commute but find them too technical to be practical. For some, you might even need a license and insurance to ride one. You can simply pull it along much like you would a small suitcase, meaning you can take it virtually anywhere!
Electric scooters use only a small amount of electric and don’t emit any emissions, which is better for the air quality in our city and for the lungs of the residents.
Travelling around a city and silence never go hand-in-hand. Any method of travelling around comes with a significant amount of noise pollution - cars, motorbikes, buses, trains. Even walking can be noisy if you have hard-soled shoes on ! Enter the electric scooter; a whisper-quiet mode of transport that’s the fastest and quietest way to get from A to B.
Another struggle human being is facing today is our increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Many of us work in offices or jobs that are largely seated, and most of us will drive or take a train to and from work. With an e-scooter, for smaller journeys that you would usually drive or use public transport, you can get your body moving. Of course it can’t replace workouts, but it will activate your core and improve your balance.
If you’d like to know more about our products, kindly visit us at www.scooterzmalaysia.com or